AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award
The Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award was established in 1945 and recognizes the best paper published in AIME's fields in a given period where the lead author is a member under 35 years of age. This award honors one of the Institute's founders who served as President and Secretary and was an Honorary Member. A notable miner among the founders was AIME’s 2nd President and then “Executive Director” for the next 27 years, Rossiter Raymond. He is noted as being a sailor, soldier, engineer, lawyer, orator, editor, novelist, story-teller, poet, biblical critic, theologian, teacher, and chess-player! His role in AIME’s founding was so important that a 2000 pound relief in honor of Raymond’s contributions to the Institute was moved from the NY offices to SME in Colorado in 2003 and is still proudly displayed in their foyer.
Learn More:Rossiter W. Raymond
Eligibility:AIST | SME | SPE | TMS