Douglas W. Fuerstenau (SME)
AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award in
Douglas W. Fuerstenau was born in Hazel, South Dakota, in 1923. In 1949, he received a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineer· ing from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; an M.S. from Montana School of Mines in 1950, and, in 1953, a D.Sc. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He remained at M.I.T. as Assistant Professor of Mineral Engineering until 1956 when he joined Union Carbide Metals Co. as Research Engineer and Section Leader in the Metals Research Laboratories at Niagara Falls. It was here he did the work that resulted in the award-winning paper, "Retention Time in Continuous Vibratory Ball Milling," published in the December, 1959 issue of Mining Engineering.
In 1953, Dr. Fuerstenau went to Permanente, Calif., where he was Manager of the Mineral Engineering Laboratory for Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation for one year. He is currently Associate Professor of Metallurgy at the University of California in Berkeley. A member of AIME since 1946, he was the first recipient of the Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal. Among his contributions to technical literature has been material on flotation fundamentals, surface chemistry, and comminution.