In execution of its mission, AIME operates under a quasi-foundation model, with principal activities of capturing oral histories that honor the AIME legacy and recognize outstanding members and promising students, conferring awards and scholarships, and milestone recognition. AIME also distributes funds to support its Member Societies' missions and facilitates interaction with the relevant scientific and engineering community.

Oral Histories
Learn from the Legends through interviews on their experiences and accomplishments.

Many of these carry the namesake of icons within the AIME disciplines of mining, metallurgical, and petroleum engineering, the iron and steel industry, and materials science.

AIME supports the development of the next generation of professionals by funding both undergraduate and graduate scholarships.

Milestone Recognition
AIME recognizes important milestones in the organization's history as well as for its Member Societies and their sections.

Collaborative Efforts
AIME connects its Member Societies to sister organizations, resources, and collaborative efforts to work jointly for the greater good.