James H. Swisher
AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award in
James H. Swisher is a member of the technical staff in the Research Department at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. His present technical interests are gas-metal reactions, diffusion processes, and magnetic material properties.
Dr. Swisher received his B.S., M.S. and PhD. degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1959, 1962 and 1963 respectively. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked as an aerospace technologist in the Materials and Structures Division of NASA on assignment as a U. S. Army officer.
The 1969 Raymond medalist left NASA in 1965 and joined U. S. Steel Company's Fundamental Research Laboratory where he worked in the Chemical Metallurgy Division for two years. "Internal Oxidation of Iron-Manganese Alloys," the winning paper, is based on work conducted at this time for U.S. Steel.
Dr. Swisher has been with Bell Labs since 1967. In addition to AIME, he holds membership in Beta Pi and Sigma Xi honorary societies.
The Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award was established in 1945 to honor one of the Institute's founders who also served as president and secretary. It consists of $100 and a certificate recognizing the best paper published by AIME and written by a member under 33 years of age. Papers are judged on the basis of technical content, proficient presentation, and fluency of style.