Matthew R. Barnett (TMS)
AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award in
For the paper "A Taylor Model Based Description of the Proof Stress of Magnesium AZ31 During Hot Working" & "Application of a New Multicomponent Gas Adsorption Model to Coal Gas Adsorption Systems"
Dr. Barnett worked in the steel industry for a number of years before joing academia in 1999. Since 2001 he has lead a research group of 5-7 researchers focused on wrought magnesium alloy development. Work carried out in his group includes extrusion alloy optimization, improving sheet formability, determining and modeling deformation mechanisms, in-situ investigation of twinning and studies into cold rollability. He has been awarded 13 research grants and published approximately 80 scientific publications. He holds a QEII Research Fellowship awarded by the Australian Research Council and is currently a Visiting Scientist at McGill University.