
AIME is a 501(c)3, Type II not-for-profit entity, also known as a supporting organization.  The voting members of the Corporation shall be those organizations now known as Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration; The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society; Association for Iron and Steel Technology; and Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Today, AIME is governed by its Board of Trustees, which consists of 8 voting members (2 appointed from each Member Society) and one non-voting (ex-officio) member, the Executive Director.  Voting Trustees shall serve four-year staggered terms providing two-year overlaps in the terms of voting Trustees representing the same Member Society.

The four volunteer Trustees are in the Presidential rotation, beginning as President-Elect Designate, moving subsequently to President-Elect, President, and, finally, Past President, annually during the summer meeting.  AIME's Executive Director, who shall also serve as Secretary, shall be elected by the Board of Trustees for a term determined by the Board.

AIME also has the following standing committees to help execute on its mission:  Audit, Investment, and History and Heritage.  The group has operated from a virtual office since 2011.

Today, the AIME Board generally holds two-hour conference calls in the spring (typically mid-May) and fall (typically mid-December) and one in-person two-day summer meeting.  In 2019, the group employed Zoom conferencing for its remote sessions and did the same for the 2020 summer meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Click here to see a historical list of AIME Board meetings.