AIME Robert Earll McConnell Award*
The Robert Earll McConnell Award was established in 1968 to recognize beneficial service to humankind by engineers through significant contributions that tend to advance a nation's standard of living or replenish its natural resources. Such significant contribution may be represented by discovery of a major source of mineral supply, or by development of an engineering process to extend present minerals supplies, or by other outstanding engineering contributions that enhance the standard of living.
Robert Earll McConnell was a prominent mining engineer, an industrialist, a financier, a philanthropist, and a member of The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) for 55 years. He was a strong advocate for the valuable role of engineering and science in enriching society through discovery and development of natural resources like petroleum.
Learn More:Robert Earll McConnell
Eligibility:AIST | SME | SPE | TMS