Frank J. Schuh (SPE)
AIME Robert Earll McConnell Award* in
Frank J. Schuh is President of Drilling Technology, Inc. offering services in well design and drilling engineering . He retired from ARCO Oil and Gas Company after a 30 year career in a variety of drilling engineering and research assignments. He earned BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering from The Ohio State University.
Mr. Schuh has contributed significantly to the field of drilling engineering, most recently in the field of horizontal drilling. He developed the tools and techniques for medium curvature horizontal drilling and drilled the industry's first medium curvature well in 1985. Since then he has developed novel geologic targeting techniques and methods for calculating the stresses in horizontal drill strings. He has authored numerous technical papers and holds 26 patents covering a broad range of drilling applications.
He has been a member of SPE since 1954 and has chaired SPE Forums on Well Control, Well Design Methods and Horizontal Drilling, was a regional director of SPE and was instrumental in starting the annual SPE-IADC Drilling Conference. He founded the Drilling Engineering Association and served as it first chairman. He received the SPE Drilling Engineering Award in 1986 and in 1989 was elected to The National Academy of Engineering and became an SPE Distinguished Member.