T S Ary (SME)
AIME Robert Earll McConnell Award* in
T S Ary was sworn in as the 18th Director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines on March 31 , 1988. Prior to joining the Bureau he was President of Kerr-McGee Corporation's Minerals Exploration Division for more than 7 years. Before his work at Kerr-McGee, Mr. Ary was Vice President of Exploration and Director of Development for Utah International Inc. from 1975-80. Until 1975 he worked for Union Carbide Corporation, having joined the company in 1953 as a mining engineer and superintendent of a vanadium mine. In 1967 Mr. Ary was named Vice President of Union Garb de Exploration Corporation. He began his career in 1951 with the Anaconda Mining Company where he served as a shift boss and assistant superintendent of several mines.
Mr. Ary received his B.S. in Mining Engineering from Stanford University. He has completed graduate work in Mineral Law, Land Management, International Studies and Business.
Mr. Ary served for 4 years on the National Strategic Materials and Minerals Program Advisory Committee to the Secretary of the Interior. He also served on the U.S Senate Task Force to the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention. He has chaired the Minerals Availability Committee of the American Mining Congress, the Natural Resources Committee of the National Assocation of Manufacturers and the Colorado Plateau Section of SME. He was awarded the President's Citation by SME in 1992.