Raja V. Ramani - SME
Produced by AIME, 2024
Additional Information:
AIME Presidential Citation - 2022
National Mining Hall of Fame - 2021
SME Ivan B. Rahn Education Award - 2018
AIST Joseph Becker - 2013
AIME Honorary Membership in 2010
SME Presidents Citation - 2008
AIME Erskine Ramsay - 2005
National Academy of Engineering - 2005
AIME Mineral Industry Education Award - 1999
SME Howard L. Hartman Award - 1997
SME Past President - 1995
AIME Past Trustee 1994 - 1996
SME Coal & Energy Division Distinguished Service Award - 1993
AIME/ASME Percy W. Nicholls Award - 1991
AIME Howard N. Eavenson Award - 1991
AIME Environmental Stewardship Distinguished Service Award - 1990
SME Fellow Award - 1989
Since moving from India to attend graduate school at Penn State in 1966, Raja Ramani remains an active retiree at Penn State 56 years later. Ramani has spent his life’s career with Penn State, where he has had the opportunity to explore all his interests. Ramani has had a continuously evolving career at Penn State, serving as Head of the Department of Mineral Engineering, working on multiple interdisciplinary research ventures, chairing numerous committees, and researching sustainable mining practices to combat health and safety hazards. Co-director of three centers of excellence, Ramani, believes in a research to practice philosophy, stating, “If it is not applied, then it remains a report on the shelf.” Ramani was appointed to eight National Academy of Engineering committees, setting the stage for their area’s future research, and has served on several expert panels for Federal and state governments. He has also served as a consultant to the United Nations, World Banks, the National Safety Council, and international mining companies. Ramani recounts his impressive career through admiration for his mentors and opportunities in SME and AIME. A recipient of many distinguished awards, Ramani is most honored by the recognition from his peers.