
Upcoming Events

* indicates an AIME or Member Society event

Event Date Title Sort descending Location Organization
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024 Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference Pittsburgh, Pa., USA ELA
Sep 23, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024 Engineering Ideas Institute Colorado Chautauqua, Boulder, Colorado, USA ECL-USA
Oct 06, 2024 - Oct 09, 2024 Materials Science and Technology 2024* Pittsburgh, PA
Feb 23, 2025 - Feb 26, 2025 SME Annual Conference & Expo 2025 Denver, Colorado, USA Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration
Sep 23, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024 SPE ATCE 2024 - 100 Years* New Orleans, LA, USA SPE
Mar 11, 2025 - Mar 15, 2025 TMS 2025 154th Annual Meeting Phoenix, Arizona, USA The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
Sep 24, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024 United Engineering Foundation (UEF) Board and Founder Society Presidents and Executive Directors Meeting (FSPED) 2024 New York, New York, USA UEF