Egbert U. Imomoh - SPE
Produced by AIME, 2024
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Growing up in northern Nigeria, Egbert Imomoh was a born engineer. Always interested in figuring out how things worked, he excelled in his practical math and physics courses at school. Despite his father’s wishes for Imomoh to become a doctor and Imomoh’s own wishes to pursue a life in beer brewing, he could not deny that becoming an engineer was his true calling. After being offered an engineering scholarship by Shell, Imomoh officially joined the company in 1968 as a petroleum engineer. He then embarked on a thirty-seven-year engineering career, eventually making the transition from technical positions to management. As an operations manager and petroleum engineer, Imomoh found many opportunities to learn about both the technical and social sides of the industry. Using that knowledge, he helped found Afren, and became an irreplaceable member of SPE, eventually becoming the organization’s first African president in 2013. It was Imomoh’s quick thinking and entrepreneurial skills that brought him opportunities for advancement in the industry, but it was his devotion to upholding his values and morals that established him as a true-blue engineer and brought him the great success he has today. Hear about his extraordinary life and achievements in his oral history.