1st Place: Rick Bodnar; Dengqi Bai; Yufeng Wang (AIST)
Hunt-Kelly Outstanding Paper Award in
3rd Place: Franck Adjogble; Klaus Pronold; Wolfgang Spies; Hans-Georg; Harald Rackel; Gregor Schneider
1st Place: "Modeling of Heat Transfer and Phase Transformation Phenomena During Runout Table Cooling" 2nd Place: "Inclusion Evolution Comparison of Aluminum Killed Silicon Bearing and Silicon Restricted Grades" 3rd Place: "Holistic Approach of High-Quality Flat Steel Production – Dynamic Production Scheduling in Respect to Process Quality, Control System and Plant Condition" Mr. Bodnar earned an M.S.E. in Metallurgy and Materials Science from the U. of Pennsylvania. He spent his entire career in the steel industry, progressing from mill metallurgical and research engineering positions to technical management positions in research, product development, quality assurance, and applications engineering. He retired last year as the Director of SSAB Americas’ R&D department and is currently a metallurgical consultant. He has served as Chairman of the Mechanical Working & Steel Processing Division and as a Director on the ISS Board. Currently, he is a member of the Metallurgy – Processing, Products & Applications Technology and the Foundation’s Peaslee Junior Faculty Award Committees. He is an AIST Distinguished Member and Fellow and has won many awards, including 22 best paper awards. He won the Robert W. Hunt Silver Medal in 2001. He is the author of 110 technical papers, holds 14 patents, and has edited 7 conference proceedings.