Awards & Scholarships

James Evans

James Evans (TMS)

AIME James Douglas Gold Medal* in

For his outstanding contributions in research and education in the mathematical and physical modeling of metallurgical processing operations.

James Evans is professor of metallurgy and P. Malozemoff Chair in mineral engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has been a professor since 1972. He served as the chair of the Department of Materials Science and Mineral Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley from 1986-1990. He earned a B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of London, 1964 and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970.

He has received many honors and awards, including the AIME Extractive Metallurgy Science Award, 1973 and 1983; TMS Champion H. Mathewson Gold Medal, 1984; AIME Extractive and Processing Lecturer, 1994; State University of New York at Buffalo Clifford C. Furnas Memorial Award, 1994; University of California, Berkeley, Chancellors Professor, 1996-1999; 9th Canadian Materials Science Conference D.K.C. MacDonald Lecturer, 1997; TMS Light Metals Technical Service Award, 2001; TMS Extraction and Processing Science Award, 2002; and the TMS Aluminum Distinguished Service Award, 2002.