Awards & Scholarships

Frank Arthur Forward

AIME James Douglas Gold Medal* in

"For inspired scientific, professional and academic leadership and for the development of new and successful processes utilizing pressure leaching and hydrogen reduction in hydrometallurgy."

Frank Arthur Forward graduated from the University of Toronto in 1924. In the following years he worked with Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd., Mt. Isa Mines in Queensland, Australia, and in the B. C. Nickel Mines. For the past twenty years he has been head of the Metallurgy Department at the University of British Columbia. He is president-elect of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and was recently appointed director of the Central Scientific Secretariat of Canada.

Frank Arthur Forward is the inventor of the pressure leaching system for nickel ores and has also patented many processes for treating uranium, lead and zinc and tungsten ores. In addition to his considerable teaching duties and civic endeavors, Professor Forward has long been an active consultant both in North America and abroad. He is the author of more than thirty papers including an article on "Hydrometallurgy" which was published in the 1961 Encyclopedia Britannica.

Frank Arthur Forward will add the Douglas Gold Medal Award to an impressive list of lecture and achievement awards received since 1950 in addition to his citations in many professional pursuits.