Thaddeus Massalski (TMS)
AIME Honorary Membership in
Professor Thaddeus (Ted) B. Massalski is Prof. Emeritus of Materials Science, Engineering, and Physics at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, also formerly Institute Professor and one of the directors of the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh. Ted Massalski was born in Warsaw, Poland. He received his advanced degrees, Ph.D and D.Sc, in the fields of the theory of alloys and phase transformations, from the University of Birmingham, England. He also holds two honorary doctorates, University of Warsaw and University of Torino.
Ted Massalski’s Academic and Professional Record includes the following:
Co-author (with C.S. Barrett) of the 3rd edition “Structure of Metals” – 8 foreign language translations, over 50,000 volumes sold. 3 other books. Three ‘Massalski’ Symposia.(1984, 2004 Festschrift, and 2012). Author, or co-author of numerous chapters, symposia, workshops, etc. Well over 200 publications: thermodynamics, phase diagrams, phase stability, alloy phase transformations, amorphous materials, magnetic materials, crystallography, meteorites, etc. Over 250 invited lectures, memorial lectures, and presentations. Highly cited on ISI. Visiting Professor (appointed) at prestigious Universities: Harvard, Cal Tech, Oxford, UCLA, Stanford, Buenos Aires, Krakow(AGH), Navy Post. Grad School etc.
Prof. Massalski is a member of three foreign Academies. Elected Fellow, or Hon. Fellow, of numerous societies: TMS, ASM, APS, IOM (Brit.), IIM (India), JIM(Japan), etc. Member, or Chair of gov. panels, committees, Exec.Sec. and Governor of Acta Mat. Board until 2013.
Editor: Progress in Materials Science(PMS since 1971); Met. Trans. ( since 1981), member of various Editorial Boards in USA and abroad. Ed-in-chief, Binary Phase Diagrams.
He has also received numerous national and international awards: 5 gold medals: Acta Materialia(International), ASM(USA), Losana (Italy), JIM (Japan). Czochralski(E-MRS, (Poland). Other awards include: Humboldt (Germany), Sendzimir (New York), Barrett (USA), Campbell (ASM, USA), Hume-Rothery (Brit & TMS), Fulbright(USA), Gibbs(ASM, USA), Curie (Pilsudski Inst.N.Y., 2014), Lee Hsun (China, to receive in 2015), etc.