Awards & Scholarships

R. Charles Earlougher

R. Charles Earlougher (SPE)

AIME Honorary Membership in

For his contributions to improvements in waterflooding and other secondary oil recovery technologies that have resulted in significant increases of oil recovery worldwide; and for more than a half-century of active participation in programs of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and of the Institute.

R.C. Earlougher is Chairman of the Godsey-Earlougher Division of Williams Brothers Engineering Company. He holds the degree of Petroleum Engineer from the Colorado School of Mines.

After his graduation in 1936, Mr. Earlougher joined the Sloan & Zook Company, Bradford, Pennsylvania, where he moved into a position in charge of the company's core and water analysis laboratory. In 1938, he established his own business in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as an independent consultant and owner-operator of a production laboratory specializing in core and water analyses, with emphasis on improved oil recovery by fluid injection. He has been responsible for numerous water injection programs, and for the last 27 years has served as principal consultant to the City of Long Beach in the initiation and continued operation of water injection into the Tide- lands portion of the Wilmington Field.

In 1970, Mr. Earlougher sold Earlougher Engineering, Inc. to Stiles-Godsey Engineering, Inc., and in 1973 the company name was changed to Godsey-Earlougher, Inc.

He has served as Chairman of the Mid-Continent Section of AIME, and as a director and vice president of AIME. A past vice president of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Mr. Earlougher received the Society's Distinguished Service Award in 1973.