Korukonda Linga Murty (TMS)
AIME Honorary Membership in
Dr. Murty, currently a Progress Energy Distinguished Professor at North Carolina State University, has extensive experience in Materials Research and is the author of more than 354 technical papers. He obtained his PhD degree at Cornell University in 1970 and had about 7 years of industrial experience and 4 years as research associate. He was a visiting professor in the Physics Department, Universitat Dortmund and spent 3 months as a Gledden visiting fellow at the University of Western Australia. During 2001-03 he served as the Program Director for Metals in the Division of Materials Research at the National Science Foundation. He served as chairperson of two ASM/TMS committees and organized many symposia. Dr. Murty is a fellow of the American Society for Metals International, a life fellow and honorary member of the Indian Institute of Metals and a fellow of the American Nuclear Society. He received many awards such as Lingamurty Memorial Prize (1956, 57), G.N. Murthy Memorial Medal (1958), Sripathi Medal (1962), Metcalfe Medal (1963), Alcoa Foundation Research Achievement Award (1988), ANS Mishima Award (1993) and Best Paper Award (1997). He established Murty Scholarship at NCSU in 2012 and another one in memory of his parents in 2018.