Joseph G. Richardson (SPE)
AIME Honorary Membership in
Joseph G. Richardson is a partner in Richardson, Sangree & Sneider and is on the Advisory Board of Exploitech. He retired from Exxon Production Research Company in 1986 as Senior Engineering Scientist. Mr. Richardson received a B.S. m Chemical Engineering from Texas A & Min 1947 and an M.S., also in Chemical Engineering, from M.I.T. in 1948. He joined Humble's Production Research Division in 1948 as a Junior Engineer.
During his early career, Mr. Richardson conducted fundamental studies of two-phase flow through porous media. Later, he led research studies on new recovery methods and consulted on projects to increase recovery from major fields in Exxon's worldwide operations. He has published numerous technical papers.
An active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Mr. Richardson has chaired many Society committees since 1965, including Technical Editorial, Ferguson Medal and Editorial Review Committees. He was SPE's first Senior Technical Editor, from 1976 to 1979, and wrote thirty-eight "Technology Summaries" for the Journal of Petroleum Technology. He served on the SPE Board of Directors from 1980 to 1982. Mr. Richardson has received the Lester C. Uren Award, the DeGolyer Distinguished Service Award, and was named a Distinguished Member of SPE in 1983.