John Chipman (ISS)
AIME Honorary Membership in
Dr. John Chipman is Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He retired in 1962 after having served as Chairman of the Department of Metallurgy since 1946 and liS a Professor since 1937.
Before joining the M.I.T. faculty, he taught at the Georgia School of Technology, served as a Research Engineer at the University of Michigan, and was Associate Director of the Research Laboratories of the American Rolling Mill Company (now Armco Steel Corporation). During World War II he headed the Metallurgy Section of the Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago, and he later directed additional work at M.I.T. aimed at producing metals and ceramics to use in nuclear fission experiments and the development of atomic power.
Dr. Chipman's primary professional interest has been in the chemistry of liquid iron and steel. This interest was stimulated by receiving the Howe Medal of the American Society for Metals for a paper published in 1934. He has subsequently written numerous papers and he has received many awards recognizing his research. Among them are the Hunt Award of AIME (1939), the Losana Gold Medal of the Italian Metallurgical Association ( 1952), the Sauveur Achievement A ward of the American Society for Metals ( 1952), the Brinell Gold Medal of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1954), the Bessemer Gold Medal of the Iron and Steel Institute (1955) and the Benjamin Fairless Award of AIME (1963). He has also been chosen to receive the 1972 Mineral Industry Education Award of AIME.
Dr. Chipman is an Honorary Member of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and a Charter Fellow of The Metallurgical Society of AIME, and he has been awarded honorary degrees of Doctor of Science from The University of the South (1940) and the University of Pennsylvania (1962), and the degree of Doktor-Ingenieurs E.h. from the Reinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule, Aachen ( 1970). Dr. Chipman was President of the American Society for Metals in 1951-1952 and President of The Metallurgical Society of AIME in 1959-1960.