George J. Moridis (SPE)
AIME Honorary Membership in
George Moridis is a Professor of Petroleum Engineering and holder of the Robert L. Whiting Chair at Texas A&M University, which he joined October 2016. His research interests include advanced numerical simulation methods for the description of coupled flow, thermal, geomechanical and geophysical processes, with particular focus on unconventional hydrocarbon resources. Before Oct. 2016, he was a Senior Scientist and the Head of the Hydrocarbon Resource Program in the Energy Geosciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL, which he joined in 1991), was in charge of the LBNL research programs on unconventional resources (hydrates, tight/shale gas and oil), and lead the development of the new generation of LBNL simulation codes of coupled processes. Moridis is still a Senior Scientist/Faculty Associate at LBNL and holds the ExxonMobil Visiting Professor Chair in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept. of the National University of Singapore, in addition to being a visiting professor in the Guangzhou Center for Gas Hydrate Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; he is also an adjunct professor in the Chemical Engineering Dept. at the Colorado School of Mines, and in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Dept. of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Moridis has a BSc (1979) and MEn (1980) from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and a MSc (1982) and PhD (1986) from Texas A&M University. He is the author or coauthor of over 115 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters, 3 patents and more than 220 LBNL reports, conference paper and book articles. As of August 1, 2021, he has more than 15,800 citations. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for 2009–10, has been a SPE Distinguished Member since 2010, and received the SPE John Franklin Carll Award in 2019. He has been a member of the Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee to all US Secretaries of Energy since 2013, and is the recipient of a 2011 Secretarial Honor Award – the highest non-monetary award of the U.S. Department of Energy – for work on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Flow Rate Technical Group. He is on the editorial board and an Associate Editor of three scientific journals, and a reviewer for 26 scientific publications.