Arthur B. Cummins (SME)
AIME Honorary Membership in
Dr. Arthur B. Cummins retired in 1960 as Manager of the Central Chemical and Physical Research Department of the Johns-Manville Corporation. Since his retirement, he has been engaged as a Consultant for industrial minerals including appointments as Senior Technical Consultant for the Quebec Asbestos Mining Association (1961-1964) and U.S. Department of State Consultant for the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (1961-1962).
Dr. Cummins received a B.S. degree from the University of Chicago in 1920 and a Ph.D. from the University of California in 1926. Following four years at the University of California as an Assistant Chemist, .he joined the Celite Company and worked as a Development Engineer and Research Engineer. When Johns-Manville acquired the Celite Corporation in 1930, he was appointed Manager of Celite Research and later served as Manager of the Johns-Manville Research Department and Manager of Basic Research, Magnesia and Minerals Department before assuming his final position as Manager of the Central Chemical and Physical Research Department.
Dr. Cummins became a member of AIME in 1936 and some of his many activities have included: Director of AIME (1951, 1959-1960), Vice President of AIME (1961), President of the Society of Mining Engineers ( 1960), Member of the Organizing Committee for the Society of Mining Engineers ( 1956), Assistant Editor of Industrial MineralY and Rocks, 3rd Edition (1958-1960), Chairman of the Industrial Minerals Division ( 1951) and AIME representative to the Engineers Joint Council (1956-1961). He received the AIME Hal Williams Hardinge Award in 1966. Dr. Cummins was elected a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America in 1963 and he is a member of many professional societies.