Diran Apelian (TMS)
AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award in
For working tirelessly for over 40 years dedicated to teaching, mentoring future engineering leaders, advancing the science and technology of Material Science and Engineering (MSE) by conducting and supervising fundamental and applied research, publishing and presenting many technical papers, books, and patents, applying fundamental knowledge to industrial applications, establishing several academic-industry consortia, and advocating the broader role of MSE in solving global human challenges.
Diran Apelian said, "I am humbled to receive the Earll McConnell Award for'Beneficial Service to Mankin' and after looking over the list of past recipients I am humbled even more. As many of you know, life is fulfilling as an educator and when you are recognized for doing something you love it makes it more special. All I can say is thank you and good to know that the work we are doing is making a difference in the world.