Plaque Reveal at Lehigh Among Campus Functions to Recognize AIME’s 150th and Celebrate Historical Ties Between the Organizations
May 16, 2021, marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of AIME, the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania (PA), a milestone few organizations are fortunate enough to reach. Due to the pandemic, a small celebration of folks in the local area recognized the occasion, while the larger celebration will take place October 2-4, 2021 at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. The plaque reveal will be at 2pm October 2nd, outside Packard Lab (facing Packer Hall).
Lehigh was the site of the Institute’s second meeting in August 15, 1871 in Packer Hall. Leadership from AIME and its 4 Member Societies, the Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST), the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME), the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), will reveal a new plaque honoring the groups’ historical ties, listen to historical talks, take industry-related field trips, and toast to the 150th at a gala dinner.
The groups now represent nearly 200,000 professionals and students worldwide. AIME’s mission since 2010 is to support its Member Societies. Its 38 endowments fund awards of excellence, scholarships, grants, interdisciplinary conferences, and oral history captures. The latter are interesting and informative videos where professionals, students, and the general public can learn from the legends within our disciplines.
To join in the fun virtually, you can view the livestream of Sunday’s historical talks from 10a-5p ET on AIME’s YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/EwKJps3u2WA. To learn more or participate in person, contact Executive Director, Michele Lawrie-Munro, at lawriemunro@aimehq.org or 1-303-948-4256. Recordings of all functions will be uploaded to AIME’s website by end of October at https://aimehq.org/what-we-do/milestone-recognition/150th-anniversary.