Saurabh Puri (SME)
AIME Henry DeWitt Smith Scholarship in
Mr. Saurabh Puri is a graduate student in the Department of Mining Engineering, University of Utah working under the supervision of Dr. W.G. Pariseau, Malcolm N. McKinnon Endowed Chair. He obtained his Bachelo's of Technology in Mining engineering from the prestigious Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India. In the short span of his academic career he has made a significant contribution for Mining Industry. He is involved in various projects related to the numerical and field study of Underground and Opencast mines and successfully worked in four Research Projects. His expertise is in the area of Rock Mechanics and Computer Methods in Mining Technology. His pioneer work includes development of a Software (VIBSAFE) for the prediction of safe blast vibration in Mining Operations (in collaboration with Central Mining Research Institute, India). Mr. Puri was involved in the fabrication of a Numerical controlled physical model of Continuous miner for its applicability in Indian Mines. He was awarded the 1st prize in National Engineering Model Exhibition, India, for this work. His sustainable efforts added more than 10 research papers in various journals and conferences. He has visited West Mudidih Underground Coal Mine, Rajpura Dariba Underground Metal Mine and Piparwar Opencast Coal Mine as undergraduate trainee.