Eric Ansah (SPE)
AIME Henry DeWitt Smith Scholarship in
Eric is an astute Petroleum Engineer with both research and field engineering experience. He’s worked with multinational firms such as Shell in Ghana before graduate school. Currently, he is undertaking PhD studies at the School of Earth Science, University of Melbourne, Australia. He attained a Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Minerals Engineering from the University of Mines & Technology, Ghana. He has a great interest in reactive transport processes, geological modelling and reservoir simulation for subsurface fluid flow and processes.
As a member of SPE, he participated and won the 2019 SPE Asia Pacific Student Contest and the International Student Paper Contest (ATCE ‘19) in Calgary, Canada. His short term goal is to complete his PhD research which delves into upscaling of fluid flow and reactive transport processes observed at the pore scale: study of the fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interactions occurring at the subsurface. His long term goal, on the other hand, is to become a well-established research/reservoir engineer either in an industrial or academic setting. His focus will be on developing the most feasible and affordable technology for carbon capture, storage and utilization as well as hydrogen storage and energy production and intend to combine my Engineering and Geoscience background in this retrospect.