Awards & Scholarships

Chelsea Pomeroy

Chelsea Pomeroy (SME)

AIME Henry DeWitt Smith Scholarship in

Colorado School of Mines

Chelsea Pomeroy is a graduate student studying mineral exploration at the Colorado School of Mines. She has served the SME Student Chapter as president, vice president, social chair, historian and communications chair. Pomeroy is active in the mining games competition team, the student mine rescue team, the Society for Women Engineers, Alpha Phi and has worked at the CSM Geology Museum for five years. She spent a summer at the Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany and a semester abroad at the Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall. She has a B.S. in mining engineering from CSM. She has worked as a summer intern for Seabridge Gold in northern Canada, for the Cripple Creek and Victor gold mine in Colorado, for Mosaic Potash in Carlsbad, NM and for Joy Global in Wisconsin. (as of spring 2016)