Madhu Ranade - AIST
Produced by AIME, 2022
Additional Information:
After 43 years in the steel industry, Madhu Ranade’s journey is still not finished as he adopts a new role as General Manager of Raw Materials Supply and Strategy for Steel Dynamics. Growing up in Mumbai, Ranade pursued metallurgical engineering at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology. Following his passion, Ranade made the hard decision to leave his family in India and study abroad at the University of California, Berkeley. Throughout Ranade’s career, he has transformed the steel mills of Burns and Indiana Harbor, and Columbus into profitable and efficient operations. Ranade’s role as a manager was the role of a leader who encouraged innovation and creativity amongst his team. Ranade recognized his responsibility to the safety of his workers and learning the business to ensure its success. Reminiscing, Ranade attributes his rewarding life and career to the support of his mother and wife.