American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES) Awards
AAES dissolved in 2020. Most of the awards below were transferred to one of the former Member Societies to administer on behalf of interested organizations. Additional details will be coming soon -- email questions to AIME Executive Director, Barbette Barlow at barbette@aimehq.org.
AAES Chair’s Award
The AAES Chair’s Award is presented by the AAES Chair to recognize an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the welfare of our nation. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
National Engineering Award
The National Engineering Award is presented for inspirational leadership and tireless devotion to the improvement of engineering education and to the advancement of the engineering profession, as well as to the development of sound public policies as an engineer-statesman. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
Kenneth Andrew Roe Award
The Kenneth Andrew Roe Award is presented on behalf of the engineering community to recognize an engineer who has been effective in promoting unity among the engineering societies. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
Norm Augustine Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communications
This award is presented annually to an engineer who has demonstrated the capacity for communicating the excitement and wonder of engineering. The award is to be conferred on those rare individuals who can speak with passion about engineering – its promise as well as its responsibility – so that the public may have a better understanding of engineering and a better appreciation for how engineers improve our quality of life. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
John Fritz Medal
The John Fritz Medal, referred to as the highest award in the engineering profession, is presented each year for scientific or industrial achievement in any field of pure or applied science. It was established in 1902 as a memorial to the great engineer whose name it bears. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies. Since AAES dissolution in 2020, AIME's Member Society, SME, has taken over administration. See details at https://www.smenet.org/Professional-Development/Awards-Competitions/Award-Recipients/John-Fritz-Medal-Award.
AAES Engineering Journalism Award
The Engineering Journalism Award recognizes outstanding reporting of an event or issue that furthers public understanding of engineering. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
Joan Hodges Queneau Palladium Medal
Established by the National Audubon Society in 1977, the Joan Hodges Queneau Medal recognizes an individual who encourages cooperation between engineering professionals and environmentalists to create innovative solutions to environmental problems. This award administered by the American Association of Engineering Societies.
Eligibility:AIST | SME | SPE | TMS