Wesley P. Goss (SME)
AIME William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal* in
Wesley P. Goss is general manager and president of the Magma Copper Co. in Superior, Arizona. He was transferred to Superior in 1944 to acquire and develop the San Manuel copper deposits for Magma. Current production is approximately 40,000 tons of ore per day.
A graduate of the University of California, Goss joined the United Verde Copper Co. after graduation, and worked in Jerome, Ariz., until 1935. For two years he work~d as· general superintendent of the Park City Consolidated Mines Co. in Utah, and then moved to South Africa, where he reopened, developed and brought into production the Nababeep mine of the O'Okiep Copper Co.
In addition to his position with Magma, Goss is director of Newmont Mining Corp., vice president and director of Magma Arizona Railroad, director of Homestake Mining Co., and director of the Southern Arizona Bank and Trust Co.