Douglas B. Silver (SME)
AIME William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal* in
Douglas B. Silver graduated from the University of Arizona with a Masters degree in Economic Geology. He has had a diverse career having worked as an exploration geologist for Anaconda Copper Company and Noranda, as an acquisition specialist for Anaconda and Bond International Gold, as director of Investor Relations for Bond International Gold, as an international valuation expert through his private company, Balfour Holdings, Inc., and as founder, Chairman and CEO of his current company, International Royalty Corporation. Douglas is a well-known speaker at professional industry conferences, having given more than 100 speeches on industry issues, including many keynote addresses. Silver has also testified three times to Congress on issues related to the Mining Law of 1872. He has been quoted by Business Week and Forbes, interviewed on CNN Financial and is the recipient of numerous industry awards, including SME's prestigious Distinguished Member award. Silver is best known for writing the “Economics and Finance” column for Mining Engineering magazine. During the past decade, Silver has chaired two SME keynote sessions, been its keynote speaker (2008), chaired six regular sessions, presented 13 papers, written more than 40 articles and helped produce an educational video for the Society.