Awards & Scholarships

Donald V. Fites

AIME William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal* in

"For outstanding, and vigorous leadership of Caterpillar Inc., increasing its competitiveness while guiding the development of new, more efficient and safe mining equipment f or a global mining industry."

Donald V. Fites is chairman and chief executive officer of Caterpillar Inc. , a position he assumed in 1990, in which he has successfully implemented several strategic initiatives which have strengthened Caterpillar's global industry leadership, led to record revenues and profits, and positioned the company for continued financial success well into the next century. Mr. Fites has been with Caterpillar for 41 years, which includes 16 years in overseas management positions.

Mr. Fites has a BS from Valparaiso University and a masters in management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he was a Sloan Fellow. In 1994 he was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from Bradley University.

He is involved in many business and community activities. Mr. Files is a leading proponent of free trade and is chairman of The Business Roundtable; a past-chairman of the US-Japan Business Council, the National Foreign Trade Council, and the Equipment Manufacturers' Institute; a director of the National Association of Manufacturers; and a member of the Business Council and the President's Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. Mr. Fites was named CEO of the Year by Financial World magazine in March 1995.