Douglas N. Halbe
AIME Robert H. Richards Award* in
Douglas N. Halbe has degrees in metallurgical engineering from Colorado School of Mines and Michigan Technological University and is a registered professional engineer. He is currently an independent consultant with assignments worldwide and is an adjunct professor at the University of Utah. He has had 35 years in the mineral industry and has been involved in projects and developmental work, primarily in the US and Australia.
Mr. Halbe became involved in the gold carbon-in-pulp process in the late '70s when the few people in the US working in CIP could fit around a large table for discussions about where the process was heading. He was manager of metallurgy for Homestake during the early work leading to the decision to develop a bacterial method of cyanide destruction and during work leading to the development of autoclaving for gold ores for the Mclaughlin mine. He has chaired two plant operators' symposia, currently co-chairs the annual plant operators' open session, and has been involved for many years in developing working ties and research programs between operating companies and academia.