Frank V. Nolfi, Jr. (TMS)
AIME Presidential Citation in
Frank V. Nolfi Jr. co-founded Beacon Venture Management Corporation in 1990 and is a Managing Director. He is a Director of Blue Oak Materials Corporation and Li Technology, Inc., is the TMS representative to the Federation of Materials Societies, and is Chair of the AIME Public Issues Committee, which has produced Transformations a video-based supplement to middle-school science education. He was Vice President-Technology for Alcan Aluminum Corporation in 1988- 90. While at Alcan, he was also Chairman of Technical Ceramics Laboratories (TCL) and served on the Boards of Advanced Forming Technology, Inc.. TCL, Man labs, C-Axis Technologies and Co-Spray, and was technical liaison between Alcan and Duralcan Corporation, Lanxide Corporation, Alanx Corporation and Superconducting Technology, Inc. From 1983-88 he managed DOE's Metallurgy and Ceramics Program, and has held research and management positions at Argonne National Laboratory and Ames Laboratory, where he founded and was the first Director of the Materials Preparation Center.
He was 1988 TMS President and has been active on the Boards of both TMS and AIME. He holds a BS from Drexel University and an MS and PhD. from Carnegie-Mellon University. Dr. Nolfi will be president of AIME in 1995.