Lester Charles Uren (SPE)
AIME Mineral Industry Education Award in
Lester Charles Uren was born in Grass Valley, Calif., in 1888. He received a B.S. from the College of Mining, University of California, in 1911. After a year of practical training in gold-mining, he returned to the University as a research assistant. In 1915, he began his teaching career, becoming successively Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and, in 1956, Emeritus Professor of Petroleum Engineering.
Professor Uren planned the first curriculum in petroleum engineering and developed and conducted courses in all phases of that field. Among other University assignments, he was Coordinator, University of California's Navy V-12 Program; and Director, Army Air Force Meteorology program.
He was a consultant for many oil companies in industrial and oil and gas field studies, planning research programs, appraisal work, etc. He is the author of three outstanding text-hooks and devised a decimal classification system for the filing of data pertaining to the petroleum and related industries. His publications include over 170 papers. He has been a Member of AIME since 1915.