Ernest Peters (TMS)
AIME Mineral Industry Education Award in
Ernest Peters received his B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. After completing his Ph.D. he worked for two years for the Union Carbide Metals Company. In 1958 he joined the University of British Columbia as an Assistant Professor, becoming an Associate Professor in 1965 and a Full Professor in 1968. He has also been a consultant since 1958 to a number of companies in the U.S. and Canada.
Dr. Peters received h s first award from AIME in 1958, the Extractive Metallurgy Division Best Paper Award. Since then he has received a Chemical Institute of Canada best paper award, the TMS Extractive Metallurgy Division Lecturer award, the CIM Alcan Award, and the AIME James Douglas Gold Medal. He has been named a Fellow of TMS, the Royal Society of Canada, and the CIM. He received a Canada Council Killam Senior Research Fellowship in 1983, and in 1987 he obtained funding for an Industrial Research Chair in Hydrometallurgy at UBC.
Dr. Peters holds six patents, has co-authored about 80 publications. and has served on selection committees for the Canada Council and for TMS, as well as editorial boards of the Elsevier journals Hydrometallurgy and the International Journal of Mineral Processing. He retired, to an Emeritus position, from JBC in 1991, and in 1992 was honored by an international symposium, "The Ernest Peters International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy - Theory and Practice, sponsored by CIM, TMS, IMM, AusIMM, and JIMM.