Kenneth Knight Landes (SME)
AIME Hal Williams Hardinge Award* in
Kenneth Knight Landes, a native of Seattle, Washington, is a consulting geologist and Professor Emeritus, Department of Geology alid Mineralogy of the University of Michigan.
Dr. Landes received his Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of Washington in 1921, subsequently earning his Master of Arts degree in 1923 and Ph.D. degree in 1925 from Harvard University. From 1926 to 1941 he served as Assistant Professor of' geology at the University of Kansas, as well as serving as Assistant Geologist and State Geologist for the Kansas Geological Survey. From 1941 to 1951 he was Professor and department chairman at) the University of Michigan, then served as Senior Professor of geology until 1969, when he became Professor Emeritus. Since 1951 he also served as a consulting geologist during leave and vacation periods. His projects included exploration, evaluation and expert witnessing.
Dr. Landes has written over 80 geological articles and has authored three books concerning geology, particularly petroleum geology. He was President of the Mineralogical Society of America in 1945, Vice President of the Geological Society of America in 1946 and Vice President of the American Association for Advancement of Science in 1951. He is a member of AIME, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Israel Geological Society, the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists, the Petroleum Institute (London), and the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists.