Ian Campbell
AIME Hal Williams Hardinge Award* in
Ian Campbell was born in North Dakota in 1899 and received his education at the Universities of Oregon, Northwestern, and Harvard, obtaining from the last a Ph.D. in Economic Geology in 1931. Previous to this, he had taught for three years at Louisiana State University.
From 1931 to 1959, Dr. Campbell was a member of the staff of the California Institute of Technology. He then went to San Francisco as State Minieralogist. He still retains this post as well as being Chief of the California Division of Mines and Geology and Research Associate of the Division of Geological Sciences of the California Institute of Technology. He bas been a Consultant for the U. S. Geological Survey and for the Carnegie Institution at Washington as well as for a number of engineering, oil, and mining firms.
Dr. Campbell has long been active in AIME affairs in California and is currently on the Executive Committee of the San Francisco Section. He was Chairman of the AIME Industrial Minerals Division in 1953. He has also served on the Councils of the Geological Society of America and of the American Association of University Professors. He is currently on the Board of Trustees of the California Academy of Sciences and on the Executive Committee of the Western Governors' Mining Advisory Council. In 1961 he was President of the A.G.l. and is the 1962 President of the Mineralogieal Society of America.