Edwin H. Bentzen III (SME)
AIME Frank F. Aplan Award in
Ed Bentzen was an "Air Force Brat" and traveled the world even before starting his career as a metallurgist. He receiving his B.Sc. degree at the Mackey School of Mines, University of Nevada at Reno in 1967. He began his work in industrial mineral while at the Minerals Research Laboratory, in Asheville, N.C. He has since been employed by the Colorado School of Mines Research Institute, Ore Sorters (North America) Inc., Hazen Research, MD mineral technologies, Resource Development Inc., and Lyntek Inc. He is now a consultant and President of Bentzen & Associates, primarily involved with process development, due diligence, and applied research in mineral beneficiation. His principal areas of expertise are froth flotation, gravity concentration, magnetic and electrostatic separation, and chemical leaching. He is active in SME and is a past President of the Colorado Section SME. He has published over 25 papers and visited over 45 foreign countries.