Bhupendra K. Parekh (SME)
AIME Frank F. Aplan Award in
B.K.Parekh is Senior Research Engineer with the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research and Adjunct Professor of Mining Engineering. Dr. Parekh holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mineral Processing from the Pennsylvania State University. After graduation, Dr. Parekh worked at the Battelle Columbus Laboratory for eight years and then he worked for the Exxon Minerals Company before joining the current position at the Center for Applied Energy Research in 1984. His research activities include minerals processing with emphasis on fine particle processing. He has a successful record in developing novel processes and has applied surface and colloid chemistry knowledge in solving some of the industrial waste water pollution related problems. Dr. Parekh has guided several M.S. and Ph.D. thesis. He has published several technical papers in various journals and hold eight patents. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, Associate Editor of International Journal of Mineral Processing, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing and Journal of Fuel Science and Technology. He is a member of SME for the last 40 years and has served on various committees. He has received SMEs Distinguished Member and Ivan B.Rahn awards; AIMEs Richard award and American Filtration Societys Senior Research Scientist and Frank Tiller awards. Recently he was appointed by the Governor of Kentucky on the Kentucky Long Term Research Planning Board.