Ed Dowling (SME)
AIME Daniel C. Jackling Award in
Edward C. Dowling, Jr. is Senior Vice President - Operations with Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., Cleveland, OH. He is currently responsible for the company's five iron ore partnership mining operations, including Hibbing Taconite Company (MN), LTV Steel Mining Company (MN), Empire Mining Partnership (MI), Tilden Mining Company (MI) and Wabush Mines (Canada). He has also assumed responsibility for the Cliffs and Associates reduced iron facility located in Trinidad and Tobego. He is also responsible for the Cliffs Mining Services Company mine planning, engineering and research and development functions.
Dowling holds bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the National Materials Advisory Board, National Mining Association, Sigma Xi and other professional organizations. He lives in Solon Ohio with his wife, Arline and son, Jacob.