Fred H. Poettmann (SPE)
AIME Charles F. Rand Memorial Gold Medal* in
Fred H. Poettmann received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1942 from Case Institute of Technology and h1s M.S. and Sc.D., also in Chemical Engineering, from the University of Michigan in 1944 and 1946, respectively. He began his career with Phillips Petroleum, managing their Product1on Research Division. and joined Ohio Oil Company (now Marathon Oil Company) in t955 to help set up a new research organization. During his 30-year career with Marathon he held the posit1ons of Associate Research Director for Production Research and Manager Commercial Development Division. Upon retirement from Marathon 1n 1983 he joined the Petroleum Engineering Department of the Colorado School of Mines. from which he ret1red in 1990. He currently is engaged in part-time teaching and directing graduate research.
Dr. Poettmann represented the State of Colorado on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. chairing the Research Committee from 1988 to 1991. He is co-author of the Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering and has co-authored and co-edited eight other books. He has 55 technical publications and 46 patents to his credit.
A member of the National Academy of Engineering, he has also served on the boards of both AIME and SPE He has been named to Honorary Membership 1n both Societies. Dr. Poettmann has received the Lester C. Uren, John Franklin Carll and DeGolyer Distinguished Service Awards of the SPE. the University of Michigan Sesquicentennial Outstanding Alumnus Award, and the Halliburton Professionalism Award in Teaching.