Awards & Scholarships

Edward McLanahan Tittmann

AIME Charles F. Rand Memorial Gold Medal* in

For distinguished achievement and inspired leadership in the administration and expansion of the mining, smelting and refining industry in the United States and abroad.

Edward McLanahan Tittmann is chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Smelting and Refining Company in New York. He was graduated from MIT in 1929 with a degree in mining and metallurgical engineering, and soon joined American Smelting and Refining.

He worked at the Garfield, Utah, smelter from 1929 to 1935, and then moved from Salt Lake City to East Helena, Mont., to El Paso, Tex., and to Hayden, Ariz., before returning to Salt Lake City as general manager of the Western Department in 1952.

In 1955 he was elected president of the Southern Peru Copper Corp., a joint venture among American Smelting, Cerro Corp., Newmont and Phelps Dodge. He remained in Peru, directing the development of the Toquepala copper deposits until 1959, when he returned to New York as vice president of the Smelting and Refining Department of American Smelting and Refining.

Tittmann succeeded J. D. MacKenzie as chairman of the Board for American Smelting and Refining in 1963.