Sara A. Hornby

Sara A. Hornby (AIST)

Benjamin F. Fairless Award for Distinguished Achievement in Iron and Metallurgy* in

For outstanding contribution to the international steel industry over several decades. Sara has been successful in plant engineering, in research and development, in technical sales, as an educator and as a strong advocate of technical societies, particularly the Iron & Steel Society and AIST. She has been a trailblazer for the many women now entering the steel industry

Receiving her BSc (Hons) and British Steel Corporation (BSC) sponsored PhD at Sheffield City Polytechnic, Sara holds 5 patents and has published 115 papers, seminars and courses internationally.

Her career includes R&D, applied R&D, new technology development, marketing and knowledge exchange through networking with academia, colleagues, OEMs and, especially, students and operators.

Her UK experience included a cupola foundry and Steelmills – Firth Brown Tools and BSC. In N. America, she has predominantly offered practice innovations and process optimization to Steelmills from Air Liquide, Goodfellow Technologies, Midrex, Linde, PTI, TMS International, and her own company, Global Strategic Solutions, Inc.

An active 38y member of AIST and ISS, Sara served on the ISS BOD, University/Industry Relations, Ironmaking, EAF Steelmaking and DRI Committees and was Chairman of the Process Technology Division.

Challenged to consider a metallurgy career, Sara prides herself in being a trail blazer and the 1. 2020 John Bell Award recipient 2. 2020 Benjamin F. Fairless Award recipient