J. Keith Brimacombe (ISS)
Benjamin F. Fairless Award for Distinguished Achievement in Iron and Metallurgy* in
Awarded posthumously, J. Keith Brimacombe, at the time of his death, was President and CEO of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, an independent, not-for-profit corporation established in May 1997 with funds from the federal government. Prior to that he held the Alcan Chair in Materials Process Engineering and was Director of the Centre for Metallurgical Process Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC). where he had been a faculty member since 1970.
The author of more than 300 publications in process analysis and design, he received 19 best paper awards and numerous other honors including TMS Fellowship, ISS Distinguished Membership, TMS Extractive Metallurgy Lecturer, ASM Campbell Lecturer and ISS Howe Memorial Lecturer. He earned a BASc at UBC and a PhD at Imperial College. Dr. Brimacombe was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the CIM; and was an Officer of the Order of Canada.
In 1997 he won the Canada Gold Medal for Science. and was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering as a Foreign Associate. In 1994 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering by the Colorado School of Mines. He was a past president of the CIM Metallurgical Society and was the first chairman of the TMS Extraction and Processing Division. Dr. Brimacombe was the 1993 president of TMS and the 1995 ISS president. In 1996 he was elected to the United Engineering Board of Trustees and to be the1999 AIME president; in 1997 he received the AIME Distinguished Service Award.