Lloyd E. Elkins (SPE)
AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal* in
Lloyd E. Elkins joined Pan American Petroleum Corporation in 1934 after graduating from Colorado School of Mines with a BS degree in petroleum engineering. In his more than 31 years with Pan American he has contributed substantially to the knowledge and techniques of increasing petroleum recovery.
With Pan American he was appointed chief engineer in 1948 and assumed his present position as director of production research in 1949. Early field experience developed his ability to evaluate research in terms of potential application. His willingness to encourage subordinates and young engineers to try out their ideas has contributed to his administrative effectiveness.
He has used his abilities well in AIME to provide effective and continuing leadership. He was a director of AIME in 1949-50; vice president in 1953-58; and president of the Institute in 1962. Currently he has led the National Student Affairs Committee in developing a vigorous program to strengthen the student arm of AIME.