Awards & Scholarships

Lawrence B. Curtis

Lawrence B. Curtis (SPE)

AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal* in

"For exceptional and innovative foresight in the concepts for and design of offshore structures; for professional commitment to the open exchange of technical information on global oil and gas operations; and for significant influence in the evolution of the worldwide Society of Petroleum Engineers."

Lawrence B. (Buck) Curtis, retired, was the Vice President Production Engineering Services for Conoco Inc. in Houston. His entire career was with Conoco Inc. starting in 1949 as a petroleum engineer with various assignments within the United States. He became Chief Engineer-International Operations and Manager of International Operations before becoming General Manager for Production Engineering Services. He has the degree of Petroleum Engineer from the Colorado School of Mines and participated in Advanced Management studies from Indiana University.

Mr. Curtis is a member of the Board of Trustees of the SPE Foundation, Rice Engineering, Design and Development Council; President's Council, CSM; SPE Organization Committee and the 25 Year Club-American Petroleum Institute. In addition to SPE, he belongs to the National Academy of Engineering, The American Petroleum Institute among others. He is an Honorary Member of AIME and SPE and a Distinguished Member of SPE. He has authored and co-authored several technical and topical articles published in the Journal of Petroleum Technology. Petroleum Engineer and the Oil and Gas Journal. He was deeply involved in the technical leadership and motivation of the early development and application of digital computers in monitoring and controlling production functions in oil field automation systems.