Larry W. Lake (SPE)
AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal* in
Larry W. Lake is chair of the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and director of the Enhance Oil Recovery Research Program.
He earned his B.S.E. and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Arizona Sate University and Rice University, respectively. Prior to joining the University of Texas, he worked for Shell Development Company in Houston, Texas. He has authored or coauthored more than 70 technical articles, 12 major reports, two conference proceedings, one preprint volume, and one textbook. In addition, he has conducted numerous industrial and professional society short courses in enhanced oil recovery and reservoir characterization.
Lake has been the recipient of several awards, including the SPE Reservoir Engineering and Appreciation for Outstanding Technical Editor Awards. He was the 1994 SPE Distinguished Lecturer and is a member of the Board of Directors.