Keith H. Coats (SPE)
AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal* in
Keith H. Coats is Technical Director at Scientific Software-lntercomp Inc. in Houston. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and M.S. in Mathematics, all from the University of Michigan.
Dr. Coats is a recognized authority in numerical analysis of petroleum reservoir engineering applications and a pioneer developer of state-of-the-art. software for black-oil, in-situ combustion, steam-injection, and compositional simulations. Before co-founding Inter-comp Resources Development and Engineering Inc. in 1968, Dr. Coats was Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan, a Research Associate at Esso Production Research Co.. and an Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Texas.
A Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Dr Coats was the 1984 recipient of the Lester C. Uren Award. He has served on the SPE Nominating and Reprint Series committees and has written many technical papers for SPE publications. Dr. Coats was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering.