John E. Sherborne (SPE)
AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal* in
John E. Sherborne, assistant to the vice president of Union Oil Company of California, is a native of Leeds, England. He came to the United States in 1920 and became a citizen in 1926. After receiving his bachelor of science degree from the California Institute of Technology, he went on to receive his masters in petroleum engineering at the University of Southern California in 1934. After graduation, Sherborne became a research fellow at Cal-Tech working on the thermodynamics and phase behavior of hydrocarbons. In 1936, he was employed by Union Oil as a production engineer. He became chief production engineer in 1948, and in 1949 was transferred to the research department to head the production research division. Between 1940 and 1947, he was on the petroleum engineering faculty at the University of Southern California.
In 1965, he was appointed associate research director and until November, 1966, he was in charge of Union's exploration and production research. At present he is on special assignment.
Besides being active in AIME, he has participated actively in many committees of the American Petroleum Institute. Other professional societies to which he belongs include Sigma Xi, Pi Epsilon Tau, AAPG, AIChE, NACE, and ACS.